The Synthetik Team Present at the MFEM Community Workshop 2022

The Synthetik team very much enjoyed attending and presenting at the MFEM Community Workshop on Tuesday October 25, 2022.

A huge thank you to the MFEM team for setting-up and running the workshop, and more broadly for their advocacy in making MFEM available to all.

We were also delighted to place as runner-up in the animations category for the Simulation and Visualization Contest.

The U.S. Department of Energy has funded Synthetik to leverage the MFEM libraries and develop a GPU-accelerated, very high-performance and energy-efficient solver for highly compressible flows.

Simulation Description: A single phase compressible Euler simulation using a DG discretization to describe hypersonic flow around cylindrical obstructions on an arbitrary 2D adaptive grid. The simulation leverages Synthetik's newly developed code for highly compressible flows, based on the MFEM libraries.

You can watch our entry here:

#FEM #OpenSource #MFEM


Synthetik has been recognized with Nvidia and Reverie as a global vendor of synthetic data


Synthetik recognized for contribution to testbed for public health and safety.